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Participation in research programs

The Department has a long tradition of participating in multicentre studies funded by EU and national funded by the University of Athens.

In current time, the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is participating in the following research programs:

  • «New Opportunities for Working employment of the transition aged young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Moving towards inclusive educational and working environments using a strength based approach» (November 2023 – October 2025), funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (H.F.R.I.).
  • «A SIOPEN pragmatic clinical trial to MOnitor NeuroblastomA relapse with LIquid biopsy Sensitive Analysis» (January 2024 – December 2028), funded by the European Union.

Participation in other EU multicentre studies:

  • "Provision of Primary Health Care for the Promotion of Children's Early Psychosocial Development", Biomed and Health Research programme (1990-94) D.G. XII,E/4, CT 941161.
  • Biomed and Health Research programme (1990-94) D.G. XII, PL 961517, "Coping with Physical Illness with a Particular Focus on Blood Dyscrasias"
  • Biomed II research programme, PL 963760, “Standardizing Criteria for Mental Health Assessment in Adults with Mental Retardation: an European Perspective” (1998-2001)
  • Programme SOC 96200749, “Adolescents against cancer: a smoking prevention programme”
  • Leonardo Da Vinci funded programme: “Training of Primary Health Care Professionals in Mental Health” (Contract Number: EL/98/1/68123/PI/I1.1.b/FPC)
  • Biomed and Health Research Programme, D.G.XII,E/4, 963231, “Psychotherapy for Childhood Depression” (1998-2001)
  • WHO ATLAS “Country Resources in Intellectual Disabilities”, The Montreal WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health at the Douglas University Institute in Mental Health, the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse of the WHO-Geneva and the Lisette-Dupras and the West Montreal Readaptation Centres for Persons with Intellectual Disability
  • “Mental Health Prevention in a Target Group at Risk: Children of Somatically Ill Parents (COSIP)-Implementation and Evaluation of Innovative Health Services in a European Public Health Perspective” (QLGT-2001-02378, 2002-2005)
  • KIDSCREEN “Screening for and Promotion of Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents – A European Public Health Perspective” (2001-2003)
  • “Incorporating Cooperation Research across Europe (INCORE). Coordinator: Professor David Skuse, University College London (UCL).
  • “Ethical Dilemmas due to Prenatal and Genetic Diagnostics Interdisciplinary Assessment of Effects of Prenatal and Genetic Diagnostics on Couples in Different European Cultures” (EDIG), “Structuring the European Research Area”. Coordinator: Prof Dr M Leuzinger-Bohleber, Sigmund-Freud-Institute and University of Kassel, Frankfurt. (016717 SAS6, 2005-2008)
  • “Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Enlarged European Union: development of effective policies and practices” (CAMHEE). Coordinator: prof. Dainius Puras, Vilnius, Lithuania.